How Women Can Boost Energy, Libido, and Muscle Naturally
“Yes! Women NEED Testosterone too!"
Yes! Women NEED testosterone too! Sayyyy what?! It's a huge misconception that it's only for men.
We actually take it for granted during our 20s and 30s… Only to be surprised by the impact of so pre/ menopause which leave you frustrated and confused! Symptoms like:
- Lower energy
- lower libido
- And your muscle is dwindling away…???
Blame that testosterone hormone that’s on the decline!
The hormone is responsible for muscle growth, keeping our bones strong and our sex drive - yep, the libido ( so it may not actually be your fault. )
Fortunately, there are natural ways to enhance testosterone levels:
➡️Weight training consistency
➡️Taking vitamins such as Vitamin D and Zinc
➡️Reduce sugar
➡️Reduce stress
By doing this, we can increase our lean muscle and release endorphins to enhance our mood etc.
Don’t blame yourself if you aren’t “necessarily in the mood” LOL… let’s just work at maximizing our mood and body so we can feel STRONG AND SEXY AGAIN
Having the right foods and vitamins plus strength training the right way, can vastly increase your testosterone levels.
Have you been experiencing similar symptoms? Drop a comment below or share this with someone who needs to know!
Coach Nancy