Posing after getting awards!

Strong & Sexy Getaway Experience 2024 Recap

September 29, 20246 min read

Strong & Sexy Getaway Experience 2024 Recap

I sit here feeling deeply humbled and filled with gratitude as I reflect on the 2024 Strong & Sexy Getaway Experience. Over the course of just a few days, I witnessed nine incredible, hard-working women come together, not just to celebrate their transformations, but to reclaim their power, confidence, and identity. These women proved that life truly begins at 40.

This year, we stayed in a breathtaking 8,000 sq. ft. mansion nestled in the heart of Hamilton, Ontario. The energy was soaring from the moment each of these strong and beautiful souls stepped through the doors. I hugged each of them as they nervously yet eagerly made their way in, each one preparing to embrace a part of themselves they had long been working to rediscover.

As each woman settled into the retreat, we unveiled their rooms one by one. The excitement and anticipation was electric. Behind each door, we set out a matching silk night gowns and robes 😍 and a gift bag of goodies designed to pamper and celebrate them over the next few days. Every detail was crafted to make them feel cherished—because they truly deserve nothing less. And of course, the excitement over their Strong & Sexy Bra was contagious!

We closed that first evening anxiously, sharing dinner and coffee, knowing that the next day would bring something extraordinary.

Day 2: Photoshoot & Awards Ceremony

The next morning, there was a different kind of stillness in the house—nerves. I could see it in their eyes, feel it in the energy. Everyone was preparing for the celebrity photoshoot, and the jitters had started to set in. One of the ladies confessed:

"I was so nervous before the photoshoot. At one point, I wanted to back out. But then I talked to some of the other women, and it turns out they were just as nervous. We laughed, we supported each other, and that gave me the strength to push through. I'm so grateful for that moment—it changed everything."

As we all finally arrived to the studio, something magical happened. ✨ The energy shifted. These women, who had walked in with doubt and hesitation, started to step into their power! I watched proudly as each and every one of them stepped outside their comfort zones, with some even choosing to do nude shots! 😍 Witnessing their confidence bloom in front of the camera, their vulnerabilities turning into fierce expressions of self-love and acceptance, was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

This wasn’t just a photoshoot; it was a celebration of self-worth, beauty, and the fearless reclamation of their identities. It was a reminder that, no matter where we are in life, we are worthy of celebration. ❤️

After such an emotionally charged day, there was still more to come. That evening, a talented private chef treated us to a beautiful meal, and we gathered for the Strong & Sexy 2024 Awards Ceremony. This moment, filled with so much love and emotion, was one I’ll never forget. As we acknowledged each woman’s hard-earned victories and the barriers they had broken through, the room was filled with tears of joy and pride.

One moment that stands out was honoring Julie Welch, our 2024 Transformation of the Year winner. At 54 years young, Julie had lost 30 lbs in just six months—an incredible testament to her dedication and strength. But it wasn’t just about the weight she had shed; it was about the confidence and radiance she had gained. Julie’s story was just one of many, but each woman left her mark that night.

Award Winners and Transformation Of The Year

Day 3: Mindset Training with Sonia Plusa—Rediscovering Ourselves
(IG: @Sonia.plusa)

Day three was all about inner transformation. Our guest speaker, Sonia Plusa, led an incredibly powerful mindset training session that brought so many emotions to the surface. She asked us to do something simple, yet incredibly profound. We had to look at ourselves in the mirror—really look. Each woman staring at her reflection in total silence for 2-3 minutes. It sounds like a short time, but when you’re standing face-to-face with yourself, every second stretches out, forcing you to confront what’s beneath the surface...

As the minutes passed, the emotions began to rise. We weren’t just seeing our reflections; we were seeing our insecurities, our doubts, the stories we tell ourselves every day. And then, she asked us to write. We had to write down what we thought of ourselves at that moment, and for most of us, the words didn’t come easy—at least, not the kind words. The harsh inner dialogue that we so easily speak to ourselves filled the pages. Words that would break our hearts if spoken to anyone else, yet they came so naturally when we spoke to ourselves.

I could feel the weight in the room, the unspoken pain that so many of us carry quietly. We are always our own toughest critics, and it showed.

Through Sonia’s guidance, the group broke down mental barriers and built up new, empowering beliefs. It was a reminder that the journey to strength isn’t just physical—it’s emotional, mental, and deeply personal.

"This retreat isn’t just about finding confidence—it’s about rediscovering her, that woman you lost somewhere along the way. The one who was fearless, unapologetic, and strong."

Day 4: Group Training & Farewell

On the final day, we came together one last time for a group training session, focused on strength and proper form. It wasn’t just about the workout—it was about reinforcing that strength has no age limit, and that taking care of our bodies is the ultimate act of self-love.

Group Training

And just like that, it was time everyone headed back home. As we said our goodbyes, there were hugs, tears, and promises to stay connected. Each woman left feeling more empowered, more confident, and more in love with herself than when she arrived!

This Experience Is More Than Just Fitness

This event isn’t just about fitness—it’s about connection, empowerment, and discovering the woman you’re meant to be. As women, we constantly face societal pressures and misconceptions about aging, about what we "should" look like, and how we "should" feel. But this getaway breaks all of those barriers. It’s a space where you are free to celebrate the fullness of who you are, where you can be vulnerable and still be powerful.

If you missed this year’s getaway, don’t worry! We’re already dreaming big for 2025, and trust me, it’s going to be even more incredible. If you’re ready to join a tribe of women committed to celebrating their strength, confidence, and beauty, then this experience is for you.

Reply with “Experience” if you want more details on how to secure your spot for the next Strong & Sexy Getaway. I can’t wait to see who will join us on this transformative journey next year.

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